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  1. #1

    Seams reduction on radii \ domes

    Hi All,

    any advice on reduction of predominant seam on outside of a dome \ half pokeball would be welcome.
    I am getting an ugly seam at the back and as the circle path decreases as the dome gets higher, the gap seems to widen in cura preview?.
    It matches what i am seeing printed.
    I am running cura 5.4 & using an ender 3 V2 to print one half of a pokeball for my grandchild. I am placing the dome \ pokeball largest radii down.

    Previewing the slice, the top of the dome seems to get wider on the gap (becomes green\yellow in pic) between lines. I am suspecting an algorithm error in the slice - as the circle decreases, the lines should remain same distance - they dont.

    Screenshot 2023-08-07 234045.jpg
    Is there a way to cure this or is it a well know issue.
    I cant understand why it produces a seam unless the movement within the program to next layer has a blip factored in.
    Can you slice a program to not have a white seam as in image?.
    I program CNC routers in industry for a living so have some background on graphi-code \ machine paths.


  2. #2
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Set the slicer to variable layer height, this should help but not eliminate the gap problem by making the layer height thinner where a curved surfaces occurs.

    The seam appears because of the layer change, there will be a setting to change this to variable positions rather than at the back. But then you might get zits instead.

  3. #3
    3D printing is not injection molding, if you want a smooth surface then there will always be post processing.. sanding, filling, painting.. Unlike molding you are adding a single string at a time, on layer at a time.. Curves and ramps and bevel's don't turn out the same as a mold, you have to model you part to be 3d printed for best results..

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replies.
    variable height has helped the reduction spacing.
    I found regarding the seam - that activating retract at layer change has massively reduced it.

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