I'm trying to print ZortraX's Low Poly Tiger (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:347687), which required support material for the majority of the print. I can get the body to print fine, but the tail on my first attempt was atrocious. If you look at the images below, you'll see that the tail completely failed to print, and I think even damaged the rear leg, because I found it knocked over when I got home and checked its progress. Before leaving for school, I noticed that the ends on the tail, when it first started printing, had started to warp; therefore, when the nozzle went over it to add the next layer, it pushed the portion down which then bent back up. Do I need a fan focused on the filament in order to print this? It seems like the filament is staying malleable even after sitting for 30+ seconds (while the rest of the support material and legs are being added on to.

I'm also getting these brown boogers when I print with white/natural. Anyone know how to stop them? (Image below)
