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  1. #1

    First print! :-) / Now with a question!

    Just want to show off my very first print. Nothing fancy and not even particularly good, in my opinion, but I'm proud anyways! :-) The model you probably know, sliced with Prusa Slicer after tinkering with the settings a bit, printed on an Ender 3 S1 with Professional Firmware but not much calibration beyond Z offset. X and Y dimensions are perfect, Z is slightly big at 20.05. Maybe I'll be able to calibrate that away. The filament is the one that came in the box, which isn't supposed to be very high quality. That might have caused some of the imperfections. Or maybe the settings or calibration just aren't right for the material, it looked like some of the overhanging infill just blobbed right down before cooling down.
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    Last edited by ventrue; 12-24-2022 at 08:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    The great state of Texas
    Congrats! Hope you have as much fun as I have been having these last few months.

  3. #3
    I've switched to printing Benchys now, they seem more meaningful than the calibration prints I've tried.

    Maybe someone can give me a few hints on these questions I have:

    1. Is the general quality acceptable or normal? The dimensions are good, I think the first layer is good and I'm happy with the outer hull.
    2. I feel like the the overhangs on the windows could be a little better, but this is probably ok.
    3. I can't seem to get rid of the stringing. It wasn't bad to begin with, but I've only achieved a very small, if any, improvement. Calibration prints also don't show any particular setting that is better than the others. They are all equally non-perfect and once I leave what's considered "normal" for each setting, it immediatelly turns absolutely awful.
    4. Top layers always look bad. You can clearly see where the nozzle lifts off in the end (e.g. cargo box back corners). Not sure what to do about that. There are also some color variations (e.g. on the deck). These are always in the same spots for each Benchy I print and the lines look fine after being printed, but change colour immediately after the nozzle puts the next line next to them.

    I've attached the GCode for the Benchy in the pictures, this should have all the setting I used, right?
    Quick summary:
    • 3Dimensionals PLA (came basically free with the printer - they say it's great, but no idea if that's true)
    • 40 °C bed (sticks too well at 60 °C)
    • 205 °C nozzle (calibration said 220 °C was best, but the Benchy says otherwise)
    • 0.2 mm layers, 0.4 mm nozzle
    • Different speeds from 15 to 80 mm/s
    • External perimiters first (prevents artifacts on the hull)
    • 5% gyroid infill
    • No nozzle priming because I can barely get that single layer off the bed
    • 1.4 mm 50 mm/s retraction, 0.3 mm Z lift, with 25% retract before wipe
    • Printer is located on the floor in a fairly cold room
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