Hi everyone! Thank you for taking the time to view this post.THE REQUEST:
I am looking for the (u-boot) IMG file to flash an SD CARD on a 2014 Type A Machines Series 1 (Not PRO and NO heating bed version).
If anyone could share one OR point me to one, I would greatly appreciate it.
  • I recently decided to reuse a previously moth-balled Series1. (I have other 3d printers, but I love the large bed on this unit.) The printer was stored well and booted up like a charm.I was able to print a few test pieces (using filament from 7 years ago, no less).
  • HARDWARE: This Series1 is configured with original boards: BeagleBone Black and a RUMBA.
  • SOFTWARE: Ubuntu and OctoPrint (on the BBB) and I surmise that it is running a pre-2015 version of MARLIN on the Rumba.

  • After printing about eight pieces or so, I am now unable to connect to the OCTOPRINT web interface (returns with "cannot find server...").This is both on WIFI and Cat5/Ethernet on a dedicated router for a sandbox network I built. On the BBB, LED0 is flashing (heartbeat) and LED1 is steady (on). LEDs 2 and 3 are not lit. All other lights indicate the printer is operational and getting power; even the fan turns on. I understand that this condition usually means (for the Series1, at least) that the SD Card needs to be reflashed.
  • The 8GB SD card contains 3 files: MLO, u-boot.img, and uEnv.txt. I understand these files to be the Das Uboot bootloader. The SD card has 3 partitions: a 1MB master partition, and two other partitions/segments 2GB and 6GB respectively.
  • Problem: I cannot find the right IMG file for this type of printer, and I don't know the specs used to compile the uBoot source.
  • I can rebuild the entire system with updated software/firmware, but I would like to try this reflash before I monkey around with the rebuild.

  • Comfortable with solid-state electronics, microcontrollers, stepper drivers and drive systems, and 3d Printers/CNC (I have built many Arduino projects from scratch (e.g. networked home security system running over nRF24L01)).
  • Competent in many computer languages including C/++ and web scripts.
  • This is the first time I'm playing with a BBB.

Any thoughts, corrections, information, or much needed help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!