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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Fan only goes to 50% in code despite setting, feel i'm missing something

    I use repetier w/ the cura slicer engine for this. Looking at gcode I'm at 50% fan speed after layer 1 and then it turns off at completion. The slicer is just not going past 50% fan speed for some reasonAccording to my printer settings i see at .50mm i should be at full fan speed. This is the only fan control in entire print at 50% DC.

    M106 S127
    G0 F9000 X109.002 Y148.375 Z0.580

    And then in my filament setting I can further fine tune this based on layer time, etc (See attached image).
    I just do not see any other fan speed settings that would cause this, anyone have any idea where else I can look? I also looked in printer settings but found no mention of anything cooling related.


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    Last edited by TTVert; 07-14-2022 at 09:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Not sure I understand what you are doing Code below

    M106 P0 S255 sets the fan to 100% 
    M106 P0 S127 sets the fan to 50%
    Like wise for second fan
    M106 P1 S255 sets the second fan to 100% 
    M106 P1 S127 sets the second fan to 50%

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post
    Not sure I understand what you are doing Code below
    M106 P0 S255 sets the fan to 100% M106 P0 S127 sets the fan to 50%
    Like wise for second fan
    M106 P1 S255 sets the second fan to 100% M106 P1 S127 sets the second fan to 50%
    Thanks, i understand the code. For some reason my slicer is just not changing fan speed on prints i feel meet the criteria for full fan speed. IE i have it set to full fan speed (M106 S255) at layer 6 but it always uses the min fan speed value that i set. Some prints (Like a benchy) it does change the fan speed quite a bit but that's based on min. layer time thus modifying the fan speed.Dave

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Of course you can set the fan speed in many placed in G-Code, even though you tell fan to spin 100% the sliced can quickly change it back to 50%
    Open the G-Code that will not allow you to set G-Code to 100% with Note Pad ++ search for M106 to see it it may be changing fan speed after your setting it to 100%

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post
    Of course you can set the fan speed in many placed in G-Code, even though you tell fan to spin 100% the sliced can quickly change it back to 50%
    Open the G-Code that will not allow you to set G-Code to 100% with Note Pad ++ search for M106 to see it it may be changing fan speed after your setting it to 100%
    I do understand this. I am not explaining myself well i guess. My slicer should be slicing and varying fan speed and it is not. I do see only one M106 and it's at fan minimum. The piece does not have any short layer times and is not very many layers so perhaps that's why the slicer is only calling for S127 (50%)


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