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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Aubrey TX

    Aquila printing just fine than hot end raises up and that's-all-folks

    Aquila, G32, Cura Slicer, Inland Filament PLA+, printing a large structure (at least large for me) about 200mm x 100mm base area. Initial layer works great, support stuctures outside base area look sound. Prints about 8 - 10 layers (could be 20 layers), flat 200mm x 100mm then one end of a layer gets rough and it prints about 20% of the layer then it raises up and no more printing, only going back and forth. Extruder is not feeding either. I have ironing turned off. Printing at 215C with bed at 60c. I am using a .4 Nozzle ... I did notice that when I use PLA the string that you get wien you load Filament if thick, about .4 but with the PLA+ it is thin, maybe a low at .2 net when loading.Also, after printing, or failing to print either way, when I go back to level my bed, it is very low, takes 2 full turns of the adjustment knobs to bring it back up, all 4 corners. Ideas and solutions welcome.

    Added a couple pictures ....
    Failed Print 6-19-22 - 1.jpg
    Failed Print 6-19-22 - 2.jpg
    Last edited by TomH; 06-19-2022 at 11:19 AM. Reason: Adding pictures

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