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  1. #1

    Prints wont stick to heatbed

    My prints just wont stick to the heatbed no matter ehat i do. I have a modified ender 3 pro with a bltouch running on a skr 1.4 with tmc5160 running on the newest marlin 2.0. on it is a microswiss hotend with a E3D V6 Nozzle X - 1,75 mm.
    Ive tried bilinear leveling aswell as ubl but havent seen any difference. I have a hood for my printer from whambam but that just ended up with the filament getting soft in the extruder and getting stuck. I have no idea what to do anymore.

    A picture of what my prints look like most of the time:

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    what surface are you printing on ?
    And what filament are you printing with ?

    Also a properly FLAT manually adjusted bed is generally a lot simpler and effective than the 'auto levelling'.

    You are most likely printing either too far from the bed or too close to it.

    Have you tried adjusting the z-axis offset to change nozzle distance from bed ?

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Had a build surface that no matter what I did nothing would stick, believe it or not went to a cheap Chinese bed surface and most of my problems with filament not sticking are gone.
    This was regardless of what filament I was using PLA / ABS / ECT....

    There are some prints that I have to finesse the layer to the correct height by using baby steps, this was enable in my Marlin firmware.
    I Enables baby stepping in Marlin then added a few skirts around the model that needs help,
    While printing the skirt I slowly adjust baby steps while watching until I see that perfect layer an problem solved.
    Before using baby steps I would spend many hours adjusting using every method described to me an missing this perfect height.

    Now using the baby steps function with my new build surface I can adjust this perfect layer in a few seconds...
    Who knows maybe if I have the other build surface I could make a perfect print on it now.

    ((( Why is my Post Formating getting messed up )))
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 12-21-2021 at 06:42 PM.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    I';m usign a free print surface on my klic-n-print that i got free at a tct show.
    No clue what it is, but it works well.
    And using a cheap self adhesive cheet of PEI on the sapphire pro.
    Also excellent.

    Failing that print glue tends to work well.

    But this sounds like an 'auto level' setting to me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    United states
    I am also using this free print that is working well.

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