Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
ABS has as many quirks as PLA for me, but essentially now for white filament, I use the stock 110c and 230c but for all other colours, my bed is around 106 - 107 and the hotend 225 or 226 for some.

I have alot of ABS that has different tolerances too, eg. I have 2 blue ABS, same colour, but one will not print at 0.1mm and one will, both from the same supplier.

I can print at 0.2mm fine, but when I try and go down, it makes a total mess of the print, whereas the other blue stays strong. I was getting really annoyed with constantly having to fiddle with temps after changing I tried to find the happy medium, and in a non heated cabinet, on an old crappy flashforge, 225c and 106c seems to be my magic spot on Kapton. With blue tape I can lower the bed to 100 and it still sticks like glue.
I've used your temperature settings and things look a little better, but still have problems, specially in small, vertical holes. What happens is that the internal perimeter of the holes gets progressively worse, first a gap starts to appear between the external perimeter (that is the one on the inside of the hole) and after several layers all hell breaks loose, the extruded plastic doesn't stick to the previous layer and is dragged into the center of the hole. The end result is a hole with bad walls filled with a tangle of filament.

I think I need to slow down the extruder for small holes like that (3mm diameter or less), but the option to slow down the speed for small perimeters in Slic3r doesn't seem to work, I set it at 25% of normal perimeter speed but it still moves very fast when making the hole perimeters. I will try with different acceleration and/or jerk settings to see if that helps.

I will also try Cura to see what results I get with it.