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  1. #1

    RepRap discount smart graphic controller encoder not working

    Hello Friends... ,
    I am Creating A 3d printer using ramps1.4 shield and merlin firmware ...
    just an hour ago i get my lcd to work ....
    also i am able to go to menu but thats it i cannot scroll through menu using encoder i replaced a encoder on my display with new one with no luck
    i tried glcd tester ,..... and its only ncrementing encoder value not decrementing
    any help would be greatly apprreciated

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Washington State, USA
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    I have never used the glcd tester, though if you post more information about your DIY 3D Printer the forum and I will help you to solve.
    Have worked with Marlin configuring most versions 1.x.x - 2.x.x on Reprap controllers helping many get there configuration and connections correct.

    The first time working with 3D Printers I connected some of the cabling incorrectly this did not cause the controller to die,
    though fixing my cabling mistake was essential to having everything working correctly.

    This could take some time as repairing anything over a forum requires many hours.
    We may need many photos showing your DIY 3D Printer setup and copies of your Marlin firmware configurations.
    Will need to know your hardware configurations XYZ and E, Lead screw and belt ect.....
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 07-05-2021 at 07:00 AM.

  3. #3
    Hello Roberts_Clif

    I am making a dual z axis printer with ramps 1.4 shield and merlin firmware Using Drv8825 Stepper Drivers
    at start im struggling to get my lcd to work but it did after sometime
    do i need to have all three jumpers inserted on all drivers....

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Washington State, USA
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    The jumpers are determined by the step you are wanting.
    "Six different step resolutions: full-step, half-step, 1/4-step, 1/8-step, 1/16-step, and 1/32-step"

    DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, High Current
    Old version: md20a:
    New version: md20b:

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