So I've resolved to use PETG for some outdoor prints (was solely using ABS) and after some tweaking ect. I was able to get the prints to come out pretty good except for the top layer/infill maybe?


So you'll notice the holes/cracks in the top layer. I've heard this is an issue with PETG and its bridging capabilities but after changing some of the things they say I got it to look A LOT better than it did but I can't seem to eliminate it.

Printer: Qidi X-Pro
Filament: Overture PETG
Bed: Heated @ 80, glass bed
Hot End: Micro Swiss All Metal, heated @ 245 (Temp towers and a few tests at lower temps came out bad)
Slicer: S3D
Print Speed: 40
Layer Height: 0.18
Top Solid Layers: 20
Bottom Solid Layers: 3
Outline/Perimeter Shell: 2
Infill: 50%
Pattern: Full Honeycomb
Ext. Fill Pattern: Rectilinear
Fan Speed: 0 @ first layer, 100% 2 and on.

So with ABS I could print at print speed of 60 beautifully. I had to drop that down to 40 for PETG to come out clean at all. I also had to up that top solid layer but a lot.

Any thoughts on what I can do clear my issue? Thanks!