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  1. #1

    Angry bought creality ender 6: covered in scratches, looks pre-used. is this normal

    Saw a creality ender 6 on discount at (in spain) and got it. Arrived, straight away noticed the blue side panels were COVERED in scratches. I can see the other parts have signs of (at the very least) being assembled. there's some brown kind of powder or something similar on the belt.

    The company that sold me it have been stating for weeks that the scratching on the doors is normal and happens in transit, which I don't believe one jot.

    However, I did read somewhere that these printers get pre-aseembled and tested; but I just don't trust a thing these guys are telling me.

    I've told them to discount me 1/4 price if they want me to keep it
    1. are they right, and it's possilbe it's new; but has scracthes from transit to europe and was pre-assembled by Creality for testing
    2. should I just keep it?
    3. Should I insist on a refund and keep it?
    4. Should I insist on returning and buy it elsehwere, no matter what?

    Thanks for your insights.

  2. #2

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I mean the orange arrows all over it are bloody annoying.
    But at the end of the day, did you buy it to look at, or to make things with ?

    If it works, great - if not, send it back.
    It's a 3d printer not a work of art.

    And it's from a company with exceptionally low quality standards (creality).

    The chances are it's a return.
    A lot of people in lockdown bought 3d printers, realised they weren't idiot proof or going to make them rich after all - and sent them back.
    So negotiate for a discount - not sure 25% is reasonable, but if you can get it - go for it :-)

    But at the moment, with semi conductors being in such short supply, if it works - keep it.
    Working printers are going to just get rarer.
    The next one might not work at all :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 06-22-2021 at 09:58 AM.

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