Maybe not. Over night i had the octopus running on a double thick raft with a more than doubled from default airgap value of .39mm (parameter cura describes as facilitating raft removal from the print...not the bed) and a 66c bed temperature on a thoroughly cleaned and dried bed. As i watched to ensure the entire raft completed normally and the first layer finished successfully i left thinking to myself that maybe now i had opened myself up to the risk that the octopus parts would simply get dislodged from the raft mid print and fail the print.

This morning i found a perfectly formed 4 to 6 layer octopus partial print on the floor solidly super welded at each and every point onto the perfectly intact raft and a huge spaghetti mess being piled up on the print bed. Apparently the entire raft had been totally displaced at high bed temp.

I think i even had a z hop turned on for this print.

What the hell? Rafts can't be separated from the print at all but can't remain in place on the bed for even the duration of the print?

Something is very wrong. This should not be this difficult.