Hello. I have a large format CoreXY printer I am nearing completion on and have decided at the last possible second I want to finally experience the wonderous world of closed loop stepper motors. At least on 3 motors. X, Y, and E. I have been doing my research as I understand it in an effort to find out which is the best driver I can get today. So far I have found 2 contenders I am on the fence between. There is the BTT S42B v2.0 here:
And there is the MKS SERVO42B here: https://www.amazon.com/Entweg-Stepper-Printer-Servo42B-Display/dp/B08H5K5DZQ/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0oCDBhCPARIsAII3 C_H5hUahTfen0BdzJE9yDuJMiNAJdQgaEnEqo2zebquhcm-TdyELQL0aAlkfEALw_wcB&hvadid=499767353181&hvdev=c& hvlocphy=9011888&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=255779324 9470328539&hvtargid=kwd-924687306703&hydadcr=8715_11330848&keywords=mks+se rvo42b&qid=1616973132&sr=8-3 .
They both are driven by STM chips but one has A4950T drivers, the other has A4954lpt and opposite to which we would think is the better of those two one has a TLE5012 angle sensor and the other has a A1333LLETR-T angle sensor. Looking at specs these are very close with tradeoffs either way. Does anybody out there have any real world experience with these or any other silent closed loop drivers maybe TMC driven? For a 42mm stepper motor.