I hadn't heard of the tenlog printer previously. A quick search shows they also make a dual independent extruder version, similar in concept to my BCN3D Sigma 16, which coincidentally also uses linear rails for x and y, and has a moving bed with an acme rod, I think.

the Tenlog D5 prints a volume more than a half meter cube! That's huge and has a decent price for something that big. I like that it's direct drive extruders vs my Sigma bowden tubes.

For the specialty filaments, one would have to build a matching-huge enclosure, making it a real monster. The ad copy says nothing about the extruders, so they are likely not Bondtech, the one shortcoming. If they could be upgraded to high temp hot ends, it would be even closer to a good choice, but overall I think there's too many missing ticks for the boxes.

It's not my project, but it's a great printer on the surface.