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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Marquette, Michigan
    Follow MsBreKArt On Twitter Add MsBreKArt on Thingiverse
    - What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?
    Several years ago I was watching a show on PBS (local channel) about technicians 3D printing kidneys using an inkjet printer. It kind of blew my mind. Now I see new medical applications of 3D printing DAILY. It is truly baffling watching the technology evolve and change to the growing needs of the medical industry. One of the most interesting things I have seen was the recently manufactured 3D-printed spinal implants.. Seriously amazing.

    - If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!
    I do not think this is an unattainable dream.. but I want 3D printing to be more affordable and accessible to schools. I know that many schools are already implementing 3D printing technology but I would want a printer that is super user-friendly. Multiple extruders and multiple types of filament could be used, depending on the job at hand. I would want a contained unit to keep little fingers - and big fingers! - safe from harm and accidents. I would want to be able to use various sized print beds and possibly even be able to break down the printer into modular units to build bigger or smaller items.. the possibilities are endless!

  2. #42
    Here are my answers :
    1. What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?

    I read on that man's skull has been restored with 3D printed titanium mesh. I think this is the most shocking and interesting news of what 3D printing technology can bring for healthcare breakthrough.

    2. If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!

    My dream 3D printer would include full-color printing with ultra-precision z-dimension. It also has scanning capability that scans in full color. Build size would be 20 x 20 x20 cm, but it's modular so it can grow as big as it can be. It would also recognize failing prints (if any) and remove them automatically and then print them again and/or notify owner via text message.

  3. #43
    - What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?
    There's definitely been some interesting things done with ceramics as of late. The purely mechanical 3D ceramics printer was awesome, and I'm amazed at what people can be done. New paste extrusion devices are looking to be very promising.
    - If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!
    I think that I'd like to be able to queue up a bunch of 'plates' to run and have the machine just run overnight and have a bin full of parts in the morning. I guess that would be batching, auto calibration, auto part removal, automated error detection and reset capabilities.

  4. #44
    What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?
    The most interesting stuff I've seen in person would have to be end effectors that my students make for their robot projects, they're quite detailed and work very well.
    The most interesting thing I've seen while reading or researching would have to be the ability to print human parts, AMAZING!!

    If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!
    My dream printer would be interchangeable between 3D printing different materials (plastic, metal, ceramic), CNC milling, plasma cutting, and laser etch/cutting. An all in one machine for multiple uses, just a quick change of the head and off you go!

  5. #45
    --What is the most interesting thing I've done?
    Well I'd have to say printing on top of light switch covers, and other prints that I have done, in multi color layers. It's a matter of offsetting the z axis or offset your print in the 3d printing program. Always check and see how your printer will respond to this offset first before sticking your piece in there. Like my Solidoodle2, using repetier program, the extruder wants to tap the platform first before moving to new height. After that pause, move extruder out of the way, place piece, and print. Who says you can only print on something once. lol I hope to try this out soon on my Duplicator 4, that I got from Makergeeks. Some of the test I've done look promising.
    --What would I like in a 3d printer?
    I want the one they have on Star Trek. Instant! lol Actually I would like to tie in a power tablet like screen, with 3d printing program built in. This would allow me full control over printing, like repetier program and then some. I want things like heat control, while printing. Sometimes your trying out a new material, or just need to make adjustments according to the environment your in. I also want full control over the extruder, when, where, and how I want it to print. Multi color extruders that don't drool while temporally not being used. I know this part may sound crazy but, I want more axis to freakin print sideways. Gravity may be a bit of a problem, but hey, lets try. Last but not least it will fold up into a suitcase, making it a business on the go. Another crazy idea, special filament that you can tell the printer to alter it's color to what ever you want. Lets face it, the printer may be compact, but having different color filaments on the go, not so much. I have 36 spools of color myself. I may sound crazy, but 100 years ago, if you tried to tell someone about 3d printing....well you get the point. Thanks for reading my long comment, and have a nice day.

  6. #46
    - What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?

    I feel that the most interesting thing I've seen 3D printed is prosthetic arms with moveable hands. I've seen prosthetic printer for animals such as ducks and dolphins and most importantly for wounded soldiers and low income children This is just one of the many wonderful applications for 3D printing.

    - If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!

    My dream 3D printer would be able to print in several different mediums at once. The printer would have several extenders working together to print faster and with multiple mediums at once. The build volume would be unlimited; this would be achieved with a series of adjustable poles which makeup the "cage" the motors and extenders would be adjusted accordingly. Speed and build volume would be key.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Add bshadown on Thingiverse
    Ok ok here it goes,

    - What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?
    Nasa's 3D print rocket engine fuel inyector, according to NASA this type of inyector used to take up to a year to manufacture now it takes 4 monts, and that obviusly Its a huge change to tradicional space industry, so if you add to the fact that 3D printing is moving in gigantics steps forward this lást 2 years, well, we might be seen some rockets been manufacture on our neightboors backyard for an small trip to the moon or even Mars.
    - If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!
    Quality, several nozzle, speed and Size!, i know several printers nowadays have a good 100 or even 50 microns, but lets face it, it takes years to complete a well detailed big proyect and lets dont get into filaments quality or even warping cause i would need a complete threat just for the over all discussion . Anyway i would have for my own printer a 50 microns resolution as an standart, at least 4 nozzles working at the same time for the cuantity of colors, enought speed to complete almost any Job in less than an hour, and size at least a 20"x20"x20", why? Because there aré proyects that require a good size to archive, plain and simple.

    sorry i love to speak, in this case to type. Cheers.

    ps: i want the zortrax printer Plz!!!! Hahahah

  8. #48
    - What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?
    The complex surgical models used for learning, where they mix different material types in order the recreate the human body for specific surgical procedures

    - If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!
    I would like an artificial life printing machine, something that iterates creations with automated Artificial Intelligence design that rewards the entities that successfully accomplish specific task taking them to the next iteration phase. In this way the printer will be the core of this evolution reactor.

  9. #49
    My Entry
    What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?

    I enjoy seeing the arms, hands and legs that are being printing. Also the art, like Skulls that are printed. I have seen some really cool tattoo machines, foot pedals, etc.
    - If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!

    My dream printer would have at least 4 colors that you could use that would be easy to install, it would have the heated bed, and an enclosed box. I would
    want all the software needed to produce the product. The software would be really easy to change pictures to 3d art. I would want to be able to change the
    colors easily in the item and restart in the middle if there was problems with the printing.

  10. #50
    What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?
    The most interesting thing i saw done is a fully printed vehicle. It was only one that you could ride via straddling and didn't go very fast. But, it was the first example of what one could do with lots of modeling and dedication. inspired me to get a 3d printer.

    - If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!

    Huge, first off. Massive build area. Interchangable nozzles, kind of like microscopes, large nozzles for huuuuge prints but rotates around to a smaller size for the fine details. in-line filament changes. something that automatically switches out filaments for use so you can have multi-mutli color prints, all with one fancy, integrated nozzle. fully heated, of course. cameras all around to watch the build process.

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