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  1. #1

    Trying to decide on heating element for diy build volume heating

    Hi. I was planning to upgrade my 3d printer with a full build volume heater to reliably print abs, but I was struggling to decide on a method of creating heat in the first place. I've already decided to use a flush temp controller, but was unsure if this PTC car air heater would work for the job. I've seen that some people use hair driers, but I wanted something a bit nicer to look at. this was the specific one I planned to get, if you were wondering. Thank you for any help!

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    250 watts is quite a bit of heat in an enclosed space. My partially-enclosed BCN3D Sigma 16 gets to 40 °C from the heat of the bed alone and the top is completely open. If you have the means of regulating the heater and/or the hot air flow, I think your idea has merit. Judging from the 15 ampere rating, you'll have to have an independent power supply.

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