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  1. #1

    Temperature resets to 0 mid-print Prusa i3 MK1

    I have begun using an old Prusa i3 donated to our school.
    I achieved one full print with it.
    The next two prints went for 20 minutes and then something strange happened:
    -- the temperature setting reset to 0 and the actual temperature began to plunge
    -- the print head stopped moving but the LCD readout on the machine kept updating with new X and Y coordinates, as if the machine was still printing.

    I tried pausing and restarting the print, to no avail.

    I'm using Slic3r.
    I checked the GCode and there are no M104 codes except at the very beginning and the very end.

    Very bizarre behavior!
    Any ideas???

  2. #2
    bad thermistor, hotend, or cabling.. Most likely thermistor is bad or wire almost broken.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the quick response!

    An intermittent wire would explain the unpredictability of the problem's appearance.

    I'm not sure how to test the thermistor, though since the temperature readour continued to report values that seemed accurate, this seems less likely to be the source.

    It was very weird watching the coordinates continue to change without the print head moving; it appeared the print data was still being sent and accepted as if the run was still in progress.

    The combination of these two things particularly puzzles me.

  4. #4
    You might want to do a quick search of the Prusa forum.. would expect you will find a more exacting post with the problem and fix...

  5. #5
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    You have a Prusa i3 I would think that you would want to use the best slicer PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 rc2 Has configurations for your 3D Printer.
    Without the correct profiles any thing could happen.

    Upon down loading PrusaSlicer and installing.
    1st Run Select Configuration > Configuration Wizard > Prusa FFF and select your printer profile after you can select from many filaments.

  6. #6

    Mk I not supported

    Thanks. I downloaded the PrusaSlicer but the configuration wizard doesn't offer a configuration for the Mk I. Mk 2 and after are supported.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post
    You have a Prusa i3 I would think that you would want to use the best slicer PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 rc2 Has configurations for your 3D Printer.
    Without the correct profiles any thing could happen.

    Upon down loading PrusaSlicer and installing.
    1st Run Select Configuration > Configuration Wizard > Prusa FFF and select your printer profile after you can select from many filaments.

  7. #7
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Posted your comment on Prusa forum an hopefully some will post a solution.

    an here is what the best had to say.
    "the Mk1 is largely the same as the Mk2, (except for mesh bed levelling) and the Mk1 build space is 200 x 200 x 200mm and
    I would take the mesh bed levelling code out for a Mk1 profile"
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 01-04-2021 at 09:05 PM.

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