Well this idea started out in another thread and I want to thank Roberts_Clif for this idea. So basically I made a comment about 32 bit boards being better and this person challenged me with printing something out in a given time. He posted up a .stl file and some settings and then I tried to print the same with my printer. In this forum where there are so many threads asking which is better and everybody posting up there ideas and opinions here is a chance to generate some real world results and comparisons. So Roberts_Clif can print this part in 1hr 38 min on his 8 bit board. After my comment based on the given understanding about the 32 bit boards and their advantages when I tried I was able to print at 1hr and 51min. From here I have gone further and re printed the same part raising the print speed to 120 and then 130% and I got close to this person's time.. Just a minute over his time but there are imperfections starting to show.. This challenge has revealed truth beyond ideas and opinions. Namely that Roberts_Clif was right and an 8 bit board can drive a printer at good speeds. It let me know that at higher print speeds I need to up my extrusion multiplier or e steps. And it is also a great way for us to compare our different printers. Is a Creality better than a Hictop or a TronXY? Well let's answer some of those questions. Post up a stl file and how long it took you to print it with what specs and on what printer and lets see who can generate the better results. And show us some high quality pictures of how the print came out. Not as a race to a finish line but to identify issues and dig our ways through tuning our stuff to as close to perfection as we can get them on our way to finding out who is really making the better product.