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  1. #1

    n00b help with printer

    I have just bought a labists X1 ( (£30 I couldn't resist) as my first adventure in to 3d printing. The first few prints went fine but the last couple have a weird issue. The bottom layers print fine but the top few (10/20/not sure) print offset by 5-8mm. So it prints exactly the right thing but in the wrong place.One print was one I downloaded from Thingverse and another I created myself. Using Cura to slice and create gcode as recommended in the instructions but the same happened when I used slic3r.Not sure what info to give but any help or pointers would be greatly received. It is under guarantee so if it's a printer issue that's fine, but some items print perfectly so doesn't seem to be.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    The Cheapest 3D Printer Yet - EasyThreed X1

    Found a YouTube Video to Explain a little about what could be happening.
    At Time 1:16 you should watch as the bed wobbles and needs to be adjusted.

  3. #3
    No I don't think it's that. The build plate is solid. And also that was just a small movemment. This is a bigger issue, see attached image.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    That is a larger Layer lapse.
    When it happens to you hear a grinding noise.
    On Which Axis X or Y does the axis layer shifting.

    Copied from Web site LABISTS 3D Printer Trouble Shooting Link

    Issue Details Layers shift in the z-direction as print progresses
    Cause 1 Printer is printing too fast
    Suggested Solutions 1

    Lower printing speed

    Cause 2 There are loose pulleys on the x-axis and/or y-axis
    Suggested Solutions 2

    Make sure there is no “play” in the pulleys and tighten
    Check to see if there is friction on the pulleys and adjust

    Cause 3 Belts are skipping teeth on the x-axis and/or y-axis
    Suggested Solutions 3

    Check for friction along the entire axis
    Check that belts are tight and adjust tension screw

  5. #5
    I have not noticed any grinding but TBH it was running unattended for a large part of the run.

    Both times it has happened the drift is on the X-axis. I might try to re-print a smaller version of it orientated a different way and see if it still drifts along X.

    I am not sure how tight the belts should be but they certainly don't seem loose. There is very little give on each. Most give is on Y axis but there's not much in it.

    Thanks for the tips. I will try another print tonight and see what happens.

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I am learning your 3D Printer with you on this learning curve to what could be causing your 3D Printer to have layer shifting.

    I have experience of layer shifting on my own 3D Printer.

    Layer Shift.jpg

    This layer shift was caused my using the wrong lubricant on the smooth rods.

    This is what the model should have looked like.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 11-17-2020 at 02:49 PM.

  7. #7
    That looks bad.

    OK so I printed the same design 90deg rotated and no shift. So I got some canned air I had lying around and opened up the machine and gave everything a clean. Printed the normal way around and no shift. No idea if it is fixed or if the air did anything or random luck but I printed a few more items and no shift, so looks like issue resolved.

    Thank you for your assitance.

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