Hello again,

I'm having more problems with our CR-10. In my last post I was able to successfully flash Marlin 1.1.6 and had it printing beautifully for awhile.

Now, I can't seem to successfully complete the ABL routine. When I put it through its paces it does one of several things:

1. It successfully completes the routine (this is rare and usually takes a dozen or so attempts)

2. It picks a random point, the BLTouch starts flashing, and the readout displays "Probing Failed." At this point I power cycle and try again.

3. It will "complete" the routine but it will have skipped one or more points along the way, so my bedlevel mesh will have a random high spot where the nozzle returns to the default Z=0 height without Z offset while printing.

Any ideas? I'm running a 4x4 grid with slow "accurate" double touch enabled.

Thanks in advance.