Hi all,I'm relatively good with 3d printers - my sons and I built a Printrbot Simple Metal back when they were in business, and I was easily able to access the board through the older version of Cura to send G and M commands to adjust the Z offset. I just got this used Max Micron (Prusa Mendel I3 clone), and while it works with Cura 4.6.1 using the FTDI driver, Cura 4.6.1 doesn't have a console to send the M commands to adjust offset. I've tried both the older Cura (14.0x) and Printrun/Pronterface, but neither of those will communicate with the board. The board doesn't look familiar and is only marked "Base V1.3". The documentation that came with it seems lacking, to say the least, but this picture of the motherboard before installation was included. (Note: where the picture says MPX.3, mine says Base V1.3".Motherboard to ID.jpgI'd be grateful for any help identifying this board and being able to communicate with it to set the offset.OH! It DOES have an LCD, listed in the instructions as a RepRap Ramps 1.4 LCD Controller. The Z offset on it is only adjustable from .50 and higher positive values, and does not raise the nozzle high enough to lay down the first layer.Thanks in advance,Jack