.It is more about how you tune and set your printer, than what machine you buy. Following, my home setting
Well up to a point.
No idea on the ender 5 - at the moment we're not getting many people with problems with them - so I'm hopeful that creality have come up with a reasonable design.

As far as the ender 3 goes - No.
The design is fundamentally flawed - deleberately so - and just not a fully formed i3.

Also we are now quite a long way down the rabbit hole as far as the evolution of home 3d printers is concerned and while the mid to top range are improving all the time and getting alot more 'plug-n-play' out of the box.
The budget end of things is going steadily backwards.
Faulty or sub-standard components, just bloody awful mechanical design and truly appalling after sales support.
Unfortunately the ender 3 is the flag holder and industry leader in all those areas.

If this were any other industry, then the simple fact that print speeds were getting slower not faster - would be a major red flag.

Yes you can get decent prints from an ender 3.
Will it work out of the box with no fiddling around ? Unlikely.
Is it as fast or accurate or as reliable as the original prusa i3 design ? Not even close !

Bear in mind that josef prusa's designs are ALL open source and you can even download the part stl's - free and for nothing - off his website.
For the sake of a couple of rods and bearings and an extra stepper motor - was it really worth creality's effort to change the design to save themselves about $15 worth of parts ?

I'd say no.