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  1. #1

    FLSun i3 Extruder / PCB issue

    Hello, the extruder motor on my printer will not work (FLSun Prusa i3). I've switched the connection with the X motor, and it works fine, so it's not a motor issue. I've also updated the driver and have tried extruding once heated up. It sure seems like the board is just faulty, so they're sending me a new one. But it's coming from china and most places are on lockdown so it could be weeks to months before i get it in the mail. Has anyone had this issue? Is it really a faulty board? Does anyone where if I can find a Robin Mini board in North America?

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Jun 2017
    Washington State, USA
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    I have not noticed any longer travel time on parts that I have ordered from China.

    However the last package was sent in record time, It left China in the same amount of time Though It flew thru customs here in record time.
    This could be because lots are not ordering from China, Spray the package and its contents with antiviral disinfectant then let dry before use.

    Remember to dispose of the packaging disinfect then wash hands and wait for it to dry before plugging it in and testing it.

    I lot a 3D Printer firmware's has extruder lock's at temperatures under 170C, My 1st 3D Printer extruder was turning backwards.
    I rewired to turn the correct direction, it however was a used 3D Printer so it could have been the original owners mistake.

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