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  1. #11
    Staff Engineer
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    Jan 2014
    Oakland, CA
    Who knows? So far, it's just vaporware. Until they actually ship some of them, we can only speculate about how well they will work, if they ever do. We can criticize the performance of the Form1 because we've received them and worked with them, but all we know about the Kudo is what the would-be manufacturers of it say as they're trying to raise money to build the things.

    Andrew Werby

  2. #12
    Staff Engineer
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    Jan 2014
    Oakland, CA
    I just sent back my Form1 that was having problems, producing partial prints. Formlabs agreed to give me a Form1+ at half the upgrade price, which comes with a new 1-year warranty. This seems like a pretty good deal to me, assuming the new one works better. It seemed like the problem could have been be due to an underpowered laser, which couldn't put out enough power to set the layers of resin thoroughly enough to keep them from delaminating under the stress of the tilting peel step. So the new one, with a more powerful laser, might be the answer - at least I'm hopeful about it.

    Andrew Werby

  3. #13
    Andrew - please let us know when you get the new unit and if it works as advertised. I am considering the Form1 + but have been put off by reports of slow tech support and the problems you have reported. Hopefully you will have some answers soon!



  4. #14
    I got my Form1+, so far so good. One thing to share here base on my experience. If you set the resolution from 0.05mm to 0.025, you have to do the "Fine Tune Setting" under the Preform Help menu.
    You have to lower the build platform a bit, how much to lower depends on your hardware discrepency, otherwise the print out will not stick properly on build platform.

  5. #15
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    Check out our gallery (under Miniatures) to see what the Titan 1 can do!

    Our great flexibility in size and ability to print quickly while maintaining high resolution makes the Titan 1 great for those wanting to print figurines and miniatures.

  6. #16
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    Cool! Let us know how it goes!

  7. #17
    I've used the Form 1 and while it did have faults and issues, technical support was superb and they were very supportive and kind.
    I'm now thinking of getting another DLP / SLA.


  8. #18
    Student laserman252's Avatar
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    Yo mama's house
    Technical support is horrible at Formlabs. I have been trying for 3 years for them to fix my printer and they only send 1 email per day. Usually it is some inane question or to introduce themselves as I have been passed from support person to person. I think they hope that if it drags out long enough then maybe I will just give up and stop writing them like I did on the first two times I tried to get it fixed. They have now offered me a Form1+ printer as a replacement but from what I have read it has all of the same problems as the Form1.

    I have heard rumors that they have the kinks worked out for the Form2 but the service I received has completely turned me off to the company.
    Last edited by laserman252; 03-28-2016 at 08:28 PM.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by laserman252 View Post
    Technical support is horrible at Formlabs. I have been trying for 3 years for them to fix my printer and they only send 1 email per day. Usually it is some inane question or to introduce themselves as I have been passed from support person to person. I think they hope that if it drags out long enough then maybe I will just give up and stop writing them like I did on the first two times I tried to get it fixed. They have now offered me a Form1+ printer as a replacement but from what I have read it has all of the same problems as the Form1.

    I have heard rumors that they have the kinks worked out for the Form2 but the service I received has completely turned me off to the company.

    I do not work for muve3d so i want to get that out of the way. I do however feel its one of, if not the best sub 10K resin printer out there.
    Quality is STUNNING and the build is great, the support is fantastic. QUality can be much better than the form printers due to the fact that it isnt restricted in resolution on the XY axis.
    Check out my video on the polyhedron balls. the second one is TINY and unreal quality.

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