Hi I am trying to help my son find a 3d printer, We went to Microcenter and seen a Ender 3 on display that was plugged in so after fiddling with the controller I got it to start printing a boat (don't remember the name) it did a line on the side of the table then started trying to print but the thing didn't stick to the table and was dragging around a mess of strings at first then it started to stick and make the boat, after a bit a salesman came by and said it didn't stick because a cold draft from the warehouse cooled the table off. I didn't really think he knew what he was talking about but i thought i would try it again. So I stopped the print and removed what was made of the boat ( about 1/4" ) and started it again this time I put my arms around the table but this time it didn't stick at all. The reason for this long story (sorry) is I want to make sure this isn't what I or my Son has to expect from trying to buy and use a 3d printer? is this part of a long learning curve, or is this just a bad display? I hope this makes some sense Thanks Eric