Hi all,
I was nearing the end of my prusa i3 build and attempting to make its first extrusion and calibrate the extruder. I heated the nozzle and fed in the filament then hit extrude. The filament jammed and the motor clicked for a while, i reset and tried again. I realized the filament jammed because it was curved and didn't go all the way to the extruder tip. I straightened the filament and this time it went to the tip and when i hit extrude a small amount came out before the motor started to click again. I unscrewed the idler screws halfway to see if that helped, but upon trying to extrude the motor clicked and wouldn't rotate. Every time I try now the motor just clicks and doesn't move, even with no filament in the extruder just turning the gears it clicks and wont rotate. I'm fairly sure I have Fu**ed my extruder stepper motor, sound about right? its hard to turn by hand and wont rotate just clicks. Anyway to fix this?

I didn't have my fan on the hot end when trying to extrude for the first time. Is this a problem will not cooling the upper part of the hot end cause the filament to jam?

Thanks in advance.