So I recently bought an Ender 3 as a start into 3D printing.
Setup fine, read a few blogs, slowly starting to get to grips with all the new terms (not 100% there, so bear with me).

1A Bed seems fairly flat and even
1B do test print of Dog and first line gets laid down then all printing seems to stop
Have cleared nozzle (3 times!) and ensured the Feed line (ok not got that term yet) is all the way to the print nozzle (saw a number of issues on this) have cleared out nozzle and ensured clear contact (no gap) between nozzle and feeder tube.

After first line print I notice the feeder seems to stop loading filament (see image attached) Is this because its already blocked? then as the bed moved back and forwards I can feel the filament going in and out not loading more and more (See linked you tube vid) . This aligns with the fact at this point nothing is coming out of the print nozzle.
Then as it continues to print nothing it prints entirely off the right side of the plate! before I finally stop the print for fear of breaking something.

Associated vids:
Apparently these will have to follow 3 posts!!
Or this will work:
Well known Video channel rhymes with 'Poo Boob' /watch?v=evAlMA5Vp3M'
Well known Video channel rhymes with 'Poo Boob' /watch?v=n82pBh93z4k'

Couple of general Ender questions.
Presumably there are no sensors on the Ender to tell it where it is on teh Bed and when its off it? Is that right?
Are users supposed to start prints in the middle of the bed, front left or somewhere else
Have I missed an initiation step.
Without the hater chimes did I make the right call on this entry level printer?

Help massively appreciated.