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  1. #1

    Making side money or full time 3d printing?

    I am new to the world of 3d printing, still searching for my first 3d printer even. I am looking into getting one to help building some specific things for my wood shop. However, I figured if I was doing that I could maybe figure out a way to make the machine and material pay for itself. Not looking to retire and become a 3d printing company though, but a small Etsy shop or something along those lines wouldnt be bad.

    So I was curious from the people who are making money off this, what are you selling? A little bit of everything? Niche things? etc etc.


  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    personally I'd say it's damn near impossible to make money from an fdm 3d printer.
    You need either to be a marketing genius or come up with a specific niche design that nobody else has.
    Or be really artistic and make cosplay gear.

  3. #3
    Making money implies that the cost of the facility cost (rent), design time, equipment, power used, material used, your set up time, machine run time, post print clean up time, packing and shipping time, customer communication time etc etc, are all covered, plus another 40% profit on top of that for each item you make..
    You may get paid something for items you make but never "Make money" especially if you are just a hobby user with one machine. It is like art work.. you can paint very nice pictures that take you days to finish but people only want to spend $20 on them...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Making money with a 3D printer in a small scale business is near to impossible. As you will first start your 3d printing basics in which you are going to 3D print similar items as given in the internet the learning process will take its own sweet time and in that duration small things like filament, resin and all will be required and it comes at very good price. Still for running a 3d printing item shops you need to have something new to give people. As already few 3d printing business are already stablished and have there own market so it is difficult to earn money from there.

  5. #5
    It will never be busy to enter a 3D printing business. You will need to work on your marketing campaigns for you to be able to successfully enter this field.

  6. #6
    As others have alluded to, how well this works will depend on your sales/marketing. Just throwing something on a platform like etsy won't likely lead to a lot of sales, although it may land you a few. Luckily online sales doesn't have to be painful, if you get 1000 views on an ad or a video or whatever, and only 3% of people viewing it go on to buy, that's still 30 sales! You can have a very time efficient side hustle if you put in the work necessary to learn the sales side of things. I started a small blacksmithing business selling hammers, it doesn't pay ALL my bills but it does help and is fun to boot.
    Last edited by KarlieBoe; 01-04-2021 at 11:15 AM. Reason: added more background info

  7. #7
    Es ist sehr wichtig, durch zusätzliche Arbeit Nebengeld zu verdienen. Da wir alle einige zusätzliche Ausgaben für uns hatten. Daher sollten wir etwas mehr Geld für unsere zusätzlichen Ausgaben verdienen. Wenn Sie auch danach suchen, müssen Sie sich für entscheiden, wo wir Online-Casino-Dienste erhalten. Hier können wir Online-Casino spielen und Geld ohne Ausgaben erhalten.

  8. #8
    All rely upon what you esteem your time at. Your crowd, as well. You can bring in some cash planning and selling cosplay costumes. Simply get the right 3d printer to have great print quality. As a beginner, you may also face the issue of operating the printer. The same stand in front of me a few months ago but thanks to this guide: as it guides me through it. I hope it helps!

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