Hi all,
Ender 3.
Printing a storage tray from Thingiverse thing:2957317

0.4mm nozzle
0.12mm layer height
20mm infill
200C print temp
60C bed temp
50mm print speed
10mm retraction at 25mm/s

Bed adhesion is very good and first layer is also very nice and clean. Although after the base to where the walls of the storage tray start, there is some odd markings too, like skipped steps as well?
However, at around layer 270-ish there is a weird issue where there appears to be skipped layers. To the extent that they are not joined in some places at all. The rest of the print seems good except for around that layer/level.

I'm wondering if this is a classic e-step calibration issue? If so, why were the first 269 layers ok?


Any tips or advice greatly appreciated.
