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  1. #1
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    France, Aix en Provence

    Patterns and tessellations

    Hi everyone,
    I'm working on a pet project for which the Pattern function in Meshmixer is close to my needs.
    Kinder v1.jpg
    So while the first parameters are clear enough, I'd say "Pattern size" and "Pattern freqency", do you have enough experience to say what Resolution, Reduce and smooth actually do ? And how they work ?
    I couldn't find any tutorial on that function so far.


  2. #2
    Lambda, what is this exactly?

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    France, Aix en Provence
    This software allows you to transform your solid in a very interesting way.

    You start with a simple full shape. In that case it was an egg with a hole at the top.

    The soft projects a pattern on the enveloppe then it gives the projection a thickness to make a solid shape out of it. That's what you see in the picture. Afterwards it re-meshes the result to make it printable.

    That's the general idea. Now I need to understand better some of the parameters. Also, be prepared : I don't know if meshmixer's algorithm is not optimized enough or if it is due to the complexity of the thing but I got frequent warnings saying it would require 2G+ of RAM for a transformation.

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