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  1. #1

    Printing starts out good then...

    Hello all and let me say thanks from the start for any help!

    I just started out in 3d printing, and the printer that I have is a Printrbot Simple 2014.

    I am sure that I have it calibrated to the best I can 20mm squares are printing at 20.01mm.

    Here are some images of what is happening:

    photo 1.jpg
    photo 4.jpg
    photo 2.jpg
    photo 3.jpg

    If it is my calibration then I can redo that, but I am wondering if it might be voltage, heat or mechanical.

    Thanks again for any help.


    Forgot to mention that I have a Printrbot Simple 2014 Kit.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    California LA
    It might be you are printing too fast and no time to cool off.

  3. #3
    Possible causes:

    1. Loose belts.
    2. Over extruding.

    Tighten up the belts and re-calibrate e-steps per mm. You can quickly test the latter to see if quality improves by reducing the extrusion multiplier in Slic3r (if that's what you're using) down from one to, say, 0.95. Extrusion multiplier is under Filament settings.

    If neither of these help, definitely check reference voltage. What electronics package does the Printrbot Simple have?

  4. #4
    Thanks for the help! I have been testing out different temps, and slowing the print speed down for shorter layer times. so far test are getting better.

    photo 1-1.jpg
    photo 2-1.jpg

  5. #5
    Better pictures:
    photo 1-2.jpg

    photo 2.jpg

    Right is before. Left is after.

  6. #6
    The distortion at the top is down to the top layers not having enough time to cool before the next layer is laid down and warping as a result. Turning on the cooling option in slic3r will help, as will a cooling fan. You can also add a cooling tower to your print - add a column of plastic as tall as the piece you're printing to the plate.

  7. #7
    With small parts just print more than one unit even if you don't need them possibly even three of them this gives time for each layer to cool on each part rather than then wasting plastic on a column you'll have something else as a replacement part

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