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  1. #1

    Anet A6 weird printer starts printing off of print area halfway though print

    i have a problem where my anet a6 will be doing a print then it will all of the sudden start extruding a lot of filament in the middle of the parts then starts to print in mid air away from the part it was just printing on. i have tired re flashing marlin 1.1.9. i was using cura and slic3r and with both slicers the printer continues to do the same thing. i am at a loss with this thing i can't figure out whats going on. any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    When Flashing, sometime the previous Firmware data was corrupted an need to be overwritten.

    To do this you can send a
    M502 - Factory Reset
    then a
    M500 - Save Settings

    The same can be accomplished using the LCD
    Click Menu
    Select Control Click
    Select Initialize EEPROM Click
    Select Store Settings Click

    This happens because the Flashing process does not clear the old data from the EEPROM.
    The location for the new firmware Data is offset enough that the old data looks like garbage.

    This should be preformed every-time you flash new firmware

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post
    When Flashing, sometime the previous Firmware data was corrupted an need to be overwritten.

    To do this you can send a
    M502 - Factory Reset
    then a
    M500 - Save Settings

    The same can be accomplished using the LCD
    Click Menu
    Select Control Click
    Select Initialize EEPROM Click
    Select Store Settings Click

    This happens because the Flashing process does not clear the old data from the EEPROM.
    The location for the new firmware Data is offset enough that the old data looks like garbage.

    This should be preformed every-time you flash new firmware
    I did that no change, it has now started re homing just one axis x or y during the print then continues as it never stopped but it will do this more than once during a hour long print.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    When I was printing with my second 3D Printer Hictop 24V, would get the same. It would print one model perfect then the Next would have the 3D Printer making strange moves.

    One time it would go to X-Min and just sit there doing nothing a quite some time.
    The next time it would jump 20mm then dive into the model.

    I 3D Printed a Cover for my Controller and lined the inside of the Cover with Aluminum Duct Tape. This did not fix the problem but it defiantly made an impact for the better.
    After doing every thing I could think of, finally I moved the LCD controller to the front. (Pictures Attached)

    Blue Case.jpgLCD front.jpg

    This helped the most though, I still have the occurrence though it is very seldom.
    Ended up wrapping the controller ribbon cables with Blue tape, then Aluminum Duct Taping them with to the Aluminum Frame separately.
    When that were bundled together still had X-Axis moving to the extreme right and returning to finish the print for no reason.
    Even purchased Spare Controllers and LCD panels because was told that they were bad.

    I have two 3D Printers both were having the same problem, however the 24V system was having the most problems.

    The Twins 2018-3.jpg

    Had a single controller that "would reset in the middle of a print", Until Hictop finally replace it under warranty (" now no more controller problems ").

    I wish you luck as this was hard to diagnose an most still do not believe that my EFI Shielding was the solution to the problem.
    No Bad prints or crazy printer movements since on either 3D Printer.

    And yes I hate the LCD controller on the front of the Printer as the HOT-BED covers the LCD when fully forward.
    Many times I have tried to place the LCD in a different location and the crazy printer moves return.
    As you can see only a couple spots to mount the LCD Front or Top.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 11-04-2018 at 07:01 AM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post

    When I was printing with my second 3D Printer Hictop 24V, would get the same. It would print one model perfect then the Next would have the 3D Printer making strange moves.

    One time it would go to X-Min and just sit there doing nothing a quite some time.
    The next time it would jump 20mm then dive into the model.

    I 3D Printed a Cover for my Controller and lined the inside of the Cover with Aluminum Duct Tape. This did not fix the problem but it defiantly made an impact for the better.
    After doing every thing I could think of, finally I moved the LCD controller to the front. (Pictures Attached)

    Blue Case.jpgLCD front.jpg

    This helped the most though, I still have the occurrence though it is very seldom.
    Ended up wrapping the controller ribbon cables with Blue tape, then Aluminum Duct Taping them with to the Aluminum Frame separately.
    When that were bundled together still had X-Axis moving to the extreme right and returning to finish the print for no reason.
    Even purchased Spare Controllers and LCD panels because was told that they were bad.

    I have two 3D Printers both were having the same problem, however the 24V system was having the most problems.

    The Twins 2018-3.jpg

    Had a single controller that "would reset in the middle of a print", Until Hictop finally replace it under warranty (" now no more controller problems ").

    I wish you luck as this was hard to diagnose an most still do not believe that my EFI Shielding was the solution to the problem.
    No Bad prints or crazy printer movements since on either 3D Printer.

    And yes I hate the LCD controller on the front of the Printer as the HOT-BED covers the LCD when fully forward.
    Many times I have tried to place the LCD in a different location and the crazy printer moves return.
    As you can see only a couple spots to mount the LCD Front or Top.
    it seems that my printer only does weird move while printing with the sd card. I've printed three parts from my computer and it has not had any problems. ill try making covers like you did but non of my electronics are getting hot. i have two mosfets for the extruder and heated bed so the main board doesn't have a lot of stress on it.

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I see you have determined that the SD card is the main cause of your problems.
    Rarely ever printed from the USB Computer interface could not verify that it was only a SD Card issue.
    But thinking about it believe that was the case for myself.

    My problem was most times I would plug the 3D Printer to my Computer and it would reboot.
    In Short the 3D Printer would short out my computer. Have always printed from a SD Card.
    In fact still print from the SD Card on the 3D Printer, using the Pi's mainly to Stream video and preform minor tasks

    Adjusting Bed and hot end temperatures
    Preheat hot-end and Heat-Bed
    Emergency Stop

    Purchased Many Raspberry Pi's for different uses.
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 11-05-2018 at 10:24 AM.

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