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  1. #1

    Is Hotend with no filament during print dangerous?

    I have an Ender 3 linked up to OctoPrint with a webcam. I run the printer at the office and monitor it remotely to make sure nothing major has gone wrong.
    Its very stable and I never have to stop it printing for problems.

    BUT, my question is- if while i'm sleeping it runs out of filament, is there a chance of burning the hotend or worse damage? What happens if it runs out and just prints air at 205C for 8 hours?


  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    nothing happens.
    been there - done that :-)

    Even if the nozzle gets completely encased in filament it doesn't seem to do any real harm.

    I suppose there is a slight chance of filament catching fire, but never seen or heard of it happening.

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