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  1. #1

    [MARLIN] 1.1.2 - DIY kit - Repetier-Host - Configure Print Area and Zero - Help!

    Hi guys!

    I am doing a DIY build of a kit i bought online named Marlin 1.1.2. Just spent a couple of days assembling the darn thing came disassembled to every nut and bolt!

    I am very satisfied with the overall quality of the kit. Very strong and sturdy frame, and accurately threaded double motored Z-axis!

    I've spent the day playing around with the controls, and calibration of the printer in Repetier-Host (came with the printer). I am trying to tell the printer where it's zero is. I have installed Endstop-Switches at MAX-Y, and MIN-X.

    I have struggled for the last 6 hours with the printer not behaving according to the data I give it. It blocks the path as I've said that it's a no-go zone.

    The printer can overall move like this --> See photo -->

    Say I might have assembled something the wrong way around. So that instead of having both Y and X on a same center, I need to move zero 360mm towards the end of the platform. When X move away from center the stepper increases, but when Y move away from the wanted center, the stepper decreases. I have tried to set the Y-Axis Endstop Switch to be -360mm - so that 0 could be where I want it, but the printer goes into a lock for some reason then.

    I am leading the printer into the position I want it to be zeroed (activating Endstop Switches in Y and X -axis), and giving this G-code:
    G92 X-23.9 Y380

    As I've understood it:
    G92 - Set Current Coordinates
    X-23.9 - 23.9mm in positive direction is Zero X-Axis
    Y380 - 380mm in negative direction is Zero Y-Axis

    But no matter what command I give the Y axis, it just ends up grinding the rubber band on the stepper.
    It's obvious the printer don't understand where it is. I am pretty sure that I am not using the software correctly.
    I have tried multiple tutorials and user manuals now without luck. Any help would be much appreciated!

    My current printer settings on Repetier-Host --> See photo -->

  2. #2
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    More information may be needed. Sounds like the X-Axis is working, Have you checked to see that the Y-Axis end-stop in not defective, and correctly wired and positioned for the switch to work.

    Was the Marlin 1.1.2 firmware pre-configured, or did you configure it your self. If you configured Marlin 1.1.2 you could post it your configuration.h file for verification.

  3. #3
    The end-stop is not defective. When it goes into the end-stop it won't let me engage it in or back out again. I have to use M84 to deactivate the motors, and drag it out of the end-stop. Once it's out - the Y-axis responds again. This used to be a problem on the X-axis as well - until I changed the Bed Left to 23.9 in Offset value. Now the X-axis can engage all the way into the end-stop, and continue all the way over to its limitation at 298mm. This is the way I would like it to behave.

    According to user manual and instruction video, everything is correctly wired. I might have assembled the engine assembly on the Y-axis the opposite way of what the user manual says. I could try to change it over tomorrow, and see if it makes any difference. My thought was that this should be possible to climb around in the software.

    The firmware was pre-configured. A .COM launcher of sorts I installed for it to function against the printer. I configured the software according to the user manual, but modified it to meet the specs of my printer. I left these quite early though, as I discovered other things that worked better, thus getting the X-axis working.

    Everything is properly connected. The only thing that could be re-wired is moving the end-stop from MIN-state, to MAX-state. I tried doing this on the Y axis, as the end-stop might be at the opposite side given I have assembled it incorrectly. This was without luck, as it only stops the Y-axis from moving in the decreasing direction.

    Thank you again for all help!

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    If it has Marlin v1.1.2 firmware loaded... You ought to update to the latest version.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    If it has Marlin v1.1.2 firmware loaded... You ought to update to the latest version.

    Tell you what. I did this today, and got it updated to 1.8.3! This came with other useful wisdom to me, as for example that I can actually upload firmware to the printer. I thought it was completely controlled by computer, so this explains why I had so little function of the motors and such. This solved my Y-axis problems, as I could now invert the Y-axis to count the other way around. This solved everything.

    Now I am basically only struggling with leveling my bed with my X-axis. I have tried for a couple of hours now without luck, but I'll keep Google that, and I'll eventually figure it out.

    Thank you for the help though!

  6. #6
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Now I am basically only struggling with leveling my bed with my X-axis. I have tried for a couple of hours now without luck, but I'll keep Google that, and I'll eventually figure it out.
    Go into Configuration.h and turn on the UBL bed leveling option... I'll help you get everything up and running....

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