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  1. #1

    Lightbulb Looking for advice building a 3d printer

    Basically, I want to build a 3D printer this summer. As a mechanical engineering undergrad, I have some mechanical/engineering inclination and I want to use this project as a good way to practice my understanding of engineering principles and learn more about 3d printing and the technologies that are used to create a printer. I have background as a hobby level machinist, tig welder, and bicycle mechanic but I have little understanding of electronics.

    I did some initial research and I have an idea of what I want to do. But as a total newbie I wanted to propose my idea and let others provide their support or insight.

    The idea: At my campus I have access to capable 3d printers and I want to use them to begin by building a prusa i3 mk2s “bear full upgrade” frame. After I print the parts and buy everything else, I plan to assemble the frame and then follow the instructions from prusa, info from other forums, and the videos from Thomas Sanladerer to complete the rest of the i3 mk2s clone.

    Does this initial idea seem reasonable? Any other ideas?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    seems reasonable.
    Have you looked at deltas ?
    Easier to build and much easier to make a larger print volume.

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmiller0972 View Post

    The idea: At my campus I have access to capable 3d printers and I want to use them to begin by building a prusa i3 mk2s “bear full upgrade” frame. After I print the parts and buy everything else, I plan to assemble the frame and then follow the instructions from prusa, info from other forums, and the videos from Thomas Sanladerer to complete the rest of the i3 mk2s clone.

    Does this initial idea seem reasonable?

    I have found that a Kit cost less than the sum of the parts. So building a frame may seem logical, though you may end up spending more money for the remaining parts than the Kit cost.

    You may want to do price comparisons before you actually start to find the best route to take on your extremely 3D adventurous journey.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3DXSTREAM View Post
    This is good advice. Unless you plan on building an entirely different design there is no reason to try to build something on your own. It is much cheaper to buy what someone else has already figured out. It is the unknowns that will catch you off guard.

    This is only a suggestion.
    This is true but if the kit cost less than the sum of the parts,
    Buy the kit use the parts for you new design and still save money, and sell the parts you do not need.

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