hello. new to 3d printing. i have a creality cr-10s. i noticed when printing some flat surfaces like a rectangle or square, the printer prints concentric rows from the outside in, creating an overall pattern of 4 triangles, points in the center.

in a logo model i have, a box with raised letter in the middle top, the area around the letter is recessed, so it's like carved in, the pattern it printed for that lower flat area is not an even pattern, it prints a triangle in one direction then another triangle in another direction and smaller etc... it looks like random sized triangles and random orientation of the triangles, setup to fit around the curved letter and the outside walls of the recessed area.

is there a way to adjust that in the actual 3d model, or in the slicer software? or is that pretty much what you get.

in my 3d model, i have created a simple box, then inset the top surface, the extruded the inset face down a bit, the shape merged the letter, then selected the letter face and extruded it upwards the same amount the face was extruded down. so the letter looks like it was carved in. maybe my models needs to have that surface around the letter subdivided into even squares or triangles?
