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  1. #1

    [Trinus] Printer started getting a problem, what could be wrong?

    Hello! A strange problem occured which I don't know the cause of.

    I've been printing with this PLA filament every day for a few weeks now without a problem, ~8 hour prints at 190°C with heatbed at 60°C.
    I use Marker tape for better gripping on the bed.

    So I was printing a model and it all went fine for the first 3 hours. Then it just stopped printing normally and made a thready mess on top of that.
    And ever since, when I try to print something it creates the same mess from start.

    As you can see in the image, top is first layers, bottom is what it will produce after a while.

    Do you have any clues what could be the problem? I've googled but didn't find any definite cause, so I'd like to ask for some directions before I spend alot of hours trying to figure it out...

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Could be a blocked nozzle.
    Something in the filament got stuck partway in the nozzle.

    Looks like a metallic filament type so a random metal fleck could well cause it.

  3. #3
    I don't think so, I opened it up and made sure nothing was in the way. I manually pushed a bit of filament through to clear out eventual junk but the problem persists.

    I tested printing with an open printhead to see what was going on inside while printing. It makes a bumping noise all the time (which it hasn't done before) and that noise is the fillament being retracted a bit. I thought it should only do that before traveling or moving up a layer. But it's doing it continually while drawing a line. This makes the line interupted, as you can see in the upper image, the line has thick and thin parts.

    I think this might be the problem, it doesn't seem like it should do that and it didn't do that before as far as I know. At least I didn't hear that sound before. So with no line being continious it means it will build up in to a mess, because it tried to build lines with holes in them on top of lines with holes. This is my hypothesis.


    So why does it do this... as my friend told me the Trinus corrupts the SD card if it's pulled out while the Trinus is on. I accidentally did that a few times, so it might be corrupted, so perhaps that's why it is behaving strange. I use Simpify3D and my new file does not have any other settings. I tried to print old prints that has worked before but the share this behaviour.

    I will try printing with USB cable instead of SD card to see if this helps. If it does then the SD card is the problem.
    Otherwise the problem remains unsolved.

    EDIT: Printing with USB cable did not solve the problem............. :/
    Last edited by veclock; 01-15-2018 at 04:14 PM.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    reset the firmware on the machine maybe. Always worth a shot, usually a menu option to do it.

    Other than that - I guess run down the obvious: check all wires and connections, does the laser engraver still work as normal, format the sd card, and use a different one as well.
    Check the retraction settings on s3d.
    If you feed filament through from the control panel is it still doing it - in which case, assuming wiring is sound, probably the extruder stepper motor has gone tits up.

    Also check if there is a spare extruder motor connector on the board (should be, most can be configured for 2 extruders) and try that - making sure to tell s3d you're using device 1 not 0.

    Basically a trouble shooting logic tree.

  5. #5
    Hello again!

    Before I've been printing at 190°C at 120% speed for hours with no problem.
    I tried to put speed at 100% and temperature to 210
    °C, now it printed the model without making a mess. But there's still a problem,
    the infill is VERY weak, making the model not rigid at all. It keeps the form but I could easily crush it or rip it apart.


    The infill is messy and it skips layers.

    Question 1)
    How can I fix this? I will try lowering the speed even more.

    Question 2)
    Why do I have to change the settings when it worked for at least 100 print hours before?

    The infill looks very similar to this:

    And my previous mess looked a bit like this:

    So then I guess underextrusion is the problem, due to some weird reason...

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I had this happen, and low and behold some how my filament side had been changes form 1.75mm to 3.0mm changed it back to 1.75mm.
    Did a Printer reset to factory settings, and the problem went away.

    Just a suggestion.

    My Print should have been almost solid.

    3mm - 1.75mm.jpg

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post
    I had this happen, and low and behold some how my filament side had been changes form 1.75mm to 3.0mm changed it back to 1.75mm.
    Did a Printer reset to factory settings, and the problem went away.

    Just a suggestion.

    My Print should have been almost solid.
    You mean the settings in your file was randomly set to 3 mm? I had a look but my settings in Simplify3D is still 1.75 mm.
    Which printer do you use? How should reset printer to factory settings work?

  8. #8
    Staff Engineer Roberts_Clif's Avatar
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    I was using different Slicers, Getting to know them and somehow it placed a 3.00 filament size into the printers defaults. Every time I rebooted it thought filament was 3.00mm.

    Resting to firmware defaults restores the firmware's settings.

    Do not know if this is your problem, was just putting out information I had experienced..
    Last edited by Roberts_Clif; 01-18-2018 at 04:52 PM.

  9. #9
    Tried to print with slower speed, 60%, did not solve the problem. Tried to turn off retractions in the settings, did not work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roberts_Clif View Post
    I was using different Slicers, Getting to know them and somehow it placed a 3.00 filament size into the printers defaults. Every time I rebooted it thought filament was 3.00mm.

    Resting to firmware defaults restores the firmware's settings.

    Do no know if this is your problem, was just putting out information I had experienced..
    I see, thanks for the info I don't think that is what happened here though, but you never know... will keep investigating.

  10. #10
    Found a video that shows exactly what happens inside:

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