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  1. #1

    Flashforge Creator Pro extuder motor trouble, need expert help

    Hello there,
    I'm a new member here but I visited this forum a while ago when I first bought my Flashforge Creator Pro.
    I used my printer regularly to print simple things for my work, but a few weeks ago the extruder motor (most probably) sound a bit strange when I tried to load filament, and also with burnt smell while no filament on it.
    I post this with a video with sound also, I really need help on some input about what's wrong this my machine, should I replace some parts or just need to tweak something inside.
    I'm not very familiar with soldering and all those thing but I can get some help with that. The problem here is we can't bring the broken 3D printing machine to a repair shop since there isn't one.
    Any help is greatly appreciate it.
    Thank you for all who took time to read this post and answer it.


    Here's the video link

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    might need a new stepper motor.
    Pretty easy to change.

    Not sure what voltage you need though.
    It's a standard nema 17 motor. And no soldering required. Just a couple bolts and a plug. Stripped mine out recently and replaced with plastic model :-)

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