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Thread: I need HELP

  1. #1

    I need HELP

    I purchased EZ3D Phoenix printer and waited for three weeks for it to arrive.
    When I contacted JAKE WOOD to inform him I was still waiting for my printer he informed me that he was put ing me in a beta group so I could get my printer right away.
    It arrived 3 days later and I was very exited to begin assembling it.e as of yet and he would send me
    When I opened the box I found there were now instruction book or software in the box.
    I called JAKE WOOD to find out why the instruction were not included in the box and was told that the instruction were not complete and he would send me what was written up to that point and I could contact him with any problem I ran into.
    What I got was a rough copy of a manual that made almost no sense at all after trying to sense of the instruction and asking for phone support I was told that there is no support for BETA units and to email his brother if I needed help.
    I had spoken with his brother twice and was told to contact JAKE WOOD because he knew nothing of the problems.
    When I informed JAKE WOOD that at the time of purchase that I asked about support not only for the construction of the unit but support using their software.
    You can guess what I was told at a refund the time of purchase promise after promise of unending support.
    Also the BETA program had ended long before I bought my unit and their was no talk of a BETA unit I didnt even know their was a BETA program!
    I am now being told that I can return the unit if I am dissatisfied.
    Its not a matter of getting a refund the unit is about a third completed and to repackage the unit I feel I will have to pay for any shipping damage.
    I also feel that if I was offered a refund after having it only 3 days and now JAKE WOOD will not answer my emails it is a failure on his part that will cause other KICK START purchaser to think twice about buying a product under these conditions.
    NOW Ive got that off my chest I would like o know if ANYONE has this unit that I could contact so I can complete my unit.
    Contact me at

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    new jersey
    i do sympathize with your situation and what happened certainly isn't good HOWEVER i am wondering why you would purchase a 3d printer kit if its not in your ability to build a 3d printer. i don't mean that in a bad way. many people don't know how to build a 3d printer. for those people a complete "out of the box" type printer is really the way to go.

  3. #3
    Technologist MeoWorks's Avatar
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    I don't think it's the OPs inability to build one that's the problem, it's the lack of documentation of building this printer (it does look like a unique design). Being open sourced, 3D printers come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, even the experienced builder would have problems without proper documentation.

  4. #4
    Staff Engineer
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    Oakland, CA
    Send it back and get the refund ASAP. If all you're out is the cost of postage, you haven't done too badly, considering.

    Andrew Werby

  5. #5
    I have 28 years of IBM field service and was the test tech on the first ATM's developed I am fully capable in assembling a printer of any type with the proper documentation.
    But when you have instructions that say to plug the leads into..... look at schematic and there is NO schematic or it says look for this BLACK part and there is no picture of the part and it turns out to be red It gets a little confusing.
    What I am trying to say was that no one should put a product on the market that is incomplete in instructions for assembly and expect a person to recreate the wheel.

  6. #6
    Staff Engineer
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    Dec 2013
    At this point it sounds like they are still earlier in beta than they've let on. My best advice is to be patient and wait for it to be fully completed, and get a revised set of Beta instructions. Or figure out other people who are in the beta testing group and ask them for help. (I don't know if there are any of them here, as I've not really heard of this particular printer myself.

    Stories like yours are the reason why it's never a good idea for a company to be secretive about it's development process and beta testing.

    Other piece of advice: If your emails look anything like your post here, I'm not terribly surprised that you're getting a poor reception from the company. Try again without using any all-capitilized words, they tend to put people off. Take a few days to look at the problem before contacting them again. And if you do decide to take it apart and send it back, make sure you get their promise to give you a full refund in writing first.

    In general, a project should take about six months from the end of beta testing to final mass-produced product. The EZ3D kickstarter went up in September with no beta test started at the time... If their schedule had it being mass produced eight months after their first development, I would have stayed far away from them without needing a cautionary tale.

    And of course, good luck!

  7. #7
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    I have reached out to EZ3D this morning and told them they have an unhappy customer here.

    I suggested it might be worth while for them to respond to this thread.

  8. #8
    You must understand that after being told that they would not give me phone support and that they only give email support (Which I have been waiting for the last 4 days to get a email) to BETA customers I was not pleased because I never signed on as a BETA purchaser and I was to receive ample support during the construction.
    My emails are the way they are because I am now at the end of my rope with them. I am sure if others had to go through what I have gone through they would be a little short tempered.

  9. #9
    Staff Engineer old man emu's Avatar
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    Yes, we fully understand your frustration, and with that understanding we are trying to help you as much as we can. The Moderators of this forum have been discussing your problem, and have taken some initial action on your behalf. That action was taken in the past 12 hours, so we haven't had a response by now, but, to be fair, they might not have had time to reply to us.

    In the meantime. the Moderators are asking that anyone who has purchased one of these printers AND has completed the assembly, or has hit a wall with it, PM vicsrc for mutual help.

    Old Man Emu

  10. #10
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Lone Star State
    Quote Originally Posted by old man emu View Post

    In the meantime. the Moderators are asking that anyone who has purchased one of these printers AND has completed the assembly, or has hit a wall with it, PM vicsrc for mutual help.
    Please reach out and help vicsrc, but it would also be interesting to have anybody else that is a customer of this company post some extra information in this thread:

    1) Did you have problems with either the materials or documentation.

    2) Did you receive sufficient support?

    3) Did you complete your build? And if so, how is the printer working for you?

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