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  1. #1

    Is a Bowden Extruder going to hurt my Prints compared to Direct Feed?

    Can anyone tell me if I would be worse off using a Bowden extruder rather than a Direct Feed? Can someone please tell me what the pros and cons are of each? I have always been led to believe that I would get a decrease in quality of my prints if I use a Bowden rather than the direct feed. Is this true?

  2. #2
    Technologist MeoWorks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Sacramento, CA
    If you print slow, Bowden is pointless. If you want to print faster 50mm/s and up, Bowden will help because it'll alleviate the huge weight problem from the extruder motor. The only major downfall I see with Bowden is hysteresis.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Hi eveninggown, I got a delta printer so a Bowden Extruder is the only way to go really, you don't want the extruder motor on the hot-end carriage.
    But it's also more tricky to get the pressure right because the filament has to be pushed through the tubing, I used a few solutions before I decided to build my own.
    You are welcome to try it out yourself Kis Bowden Extruder

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