So some fellow that I follow on google+ posted some photos of the 3DExpo in Prague, which I think just went on yesterday (not sure the exact date). I have a few questions about some of them, if anyone knows the answers:

^^ What the hell was this printed on? How can a 3D printer print in detailed color like this?

^^ Is this a fused deoposition modeling printer? It looks different from most that I have seen.

^^ What printer is this? It looks like the quality of the print is extraordinary!

^^ Talking about quality. This printout looks amazing. The Felix 3.0? I've never heard of it.

^^ The 3D Pero Yaya???? This looks like a 3Doodler. Any clue how much this is and if it is as good quality as the 3Doodler?

^^ Just thought this looked cool