While building a house used to take a fair amount of time, at least several months, 3D printing technology has come and disrupted the field of construction by speeding up the process. It seems like every other day, we're hearing about a 3D printed bridge, or office building, or skyscraper, and even 3D printed two-story houses. While this last one took less than two months to build, researchers in France from the University of Nantes, Nantes Métropole, Nantes Métropole Habitat (NMH), and Ouest Valorisation, with help from teams at the Nantes Digital Science Laboratory and the Institute of Research in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, will soon use an industrial 3D printer and cutting-edge technology to build a house in only a few days. The YHNOVA house will be built with complex architectural shapes, like doors, corners, windows, and rounded walls, and the automated, robotic additive manufacturing technique that will be used to construct the house is called BatiPrint3D. This patented 3D printing concrete construction process was developed by the University of Nantes. Read more at 3DPrint.com: http://3dprint.com/170172/yhnova-3d-printed-house/