Just got a FFCP in February. Have been trying other software and created the code for this part in MatterControl. I had to manually take care a few things like strip out the M190 command that MC puts in there, and M82 and M400 commands that Replicatorg complains about (I use Replicatorg to translate the .gcode from MC that I manually change into .x3g) It ends up with the same start code that Replicatorg puts in there since that's what gets the print going properly. Have already printed several parts successfully with MatterControl.

This is probably the 3rd or 4th print and the first one to have a real issue. Same material as the others. It prints fine for 14 layers, than the 15th layer shifts -22mm in Y. Then after that each layer shifts 3mm in X. There actually are inconsistent Y positions in these bad layers as well. There is also a very curious section where the beads (4 or 5 wide) overlap like twisting a ribbon. I can't find any extraneous commands in the gcode at the beginning of each layer. I don't know if the shift actually start during a layer though. I printed a test part that is thicker immediately after and it worked great, so it must be code. Any ideas of what to look for and where to look?

cover print.jpg

I can't get any more pictures uploaded. I'll try adding another message with more.