I powered on my printer and began loading filament for a print this morning and when I finished loading the filament, all the text on the LCD disappeared, but the buttons were still visible/functional. I restarted my printer (thinking this might be some weird one-time bug or something) and whenever I finished any task (loading filament, calibration, etc.) the text would vanish from the buttons. When I reboot the printer the text is visible, but vanished once an action is completed. I have had this printer for over a year now and never experienced this issue. Additionally, I reset to printer to factory setting, and it failed to correct the problem. While printing all the temperature information is not visible, but the print continues as normal, and I can view the temperature info in PowerPrint when I connect wirelessly. I did a print yesterday, and I didn't experience any problems. Has anyone experienced this problem themselves and what can be done to solve it?