I have been learning to use my new 3D printer since early December and have finally correctly calibrated and it and level the bed, (went for 2 weeks with poorly leveled bed and experienced failed prints due to lifting edges and such). I went fro the last 3 weeks printing PLA and just went back to playing with PETG and have a slight problem:

Important note: I use a heated glass bed with NO additional adhesion (ie. hairspray, glue tape, etc) I know many are fans using these products (or forced to because they lack a heated bed) but I have been able to get by with keeping the glass clean, I think it gives a nice finish.

Anyway; if i print with PLA I can wait till the bed cools and then it will pop off by itself, but I find the PETG sticks real good (so much I'm afraid I might crack the glass). I print with a bed temp of 85c. Should I let the bed cool more (like say put it out side where it cold 20 degrees Fahrenheit currently) or maybe heat up the bed to 95c perhaps to see if it will loosen up?