Hi guys. I'm going to purchase my 1st 3D printer which I'm going to use for printing game figures and cosplay stuff.

I don't know too much about the topic so I looked for TOP best cheap printers and found this post: https://all3dp.com/diy-3d-printer-kit/

I looked at the options and chose this 3 printers which look good under my oppinion because they are all 200X200X200 or bigger. They all use ABS.

E3D BigBox Pro
: 300mm x 200mm x 280mm, Resolution = 50m+, ABS, Auto calibration = 1000$
Original Prusa i3 MK2: 250x210x200mm, Resolution = 50+, ABS, Auto calibration = 845$
185 x 200 x 190mm, Resolution = 20+, ABS, Semi auto calibration = 601$

1st. if you think you know a different option which costs about 1000$ or a bit more I would be happy to know about it and add it to my list.

I also have a few doubts. Do you believe that for making good detail figures 20mm would be way better than 50mm or it's not such a big deal?
On the other hand I don't know what speed I can expect from them because it isn't written anywhere. So maybe that's an important detail I can't evaluate.
Finally, related to the resolution question. Should I sacrifice build volume for resolution choosing the HelloBee model instead of the other 2?
If you know this models and can give me tips I'd be really grateful!

Thank you for your help!
