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  1. #1

    Post 3D Printing Project - University of Leicester - Please take my survey and help me

    Hello all,

    I am a final year Physics student at the University of Leicester, in England and currently undertaking a project in the 3D printing industry. I have created two surveys to gain an insight into the industry.

    The first is aimed at designers in the industry and the challenges they face. If you are a designer, I would appreciate if you could fill out the survey below:

    The second is an outline of the startup company with questions centred on its description. Anyone can take this survey. However, if you are a designer in the industry and would like to answer both surveys please complete the previous survey first before doing this one:

    As I said I am just a student looking for help and am by no means an expert in the industry so please take this into consideration. I thank anyone who completes either of these surveys, as it is extremely beneficial to my learning and the project I am currently doing.

    All responses are anonymous.

    Thanks for your time help and I look forward to the results.
    Last edited by 3Develop; 12-06-2016 at 04:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    your percentages are much too high.

    Also the percent the company pays is the wrong way round.

    If the designer pays more to see private posts then the company should pay less. It doesn't really make sense.

    Plus what bis the difference between the private and public postings - ie: why would anyone bother paying more for the private deal.
    Surely everyone would simply post on the public forum.
    Costs everyone less and you get more competition for each job - from both directions.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the reply and thank you if you were one of the people who answered the surveys. When speaking to companies, some were not keen on the idea of publicly posting the design they wanted due to confidentiality reasons and were worried about other companies stealing their idea, some wanted to talk to the designer face to face and along with other reasons it was concluded that having two ways to request, either a design or a designer was the best way forward. This is why there are two ways to request and two costing structures, standard and premium (public and private).

    Thanks again for your feedback, thanks to anyone who has filled out the surveys and thanks to anyone who is going to do it!

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