Hello all.
My CTC 3D has developed an odd fault. No matter what I print, after a few seconds, the printer appears to momentarily jam in the X axis. Sometimes it continues printing - with an offset print and a corrupted display. Other times, the print continues but with the X-axis not moving (no drive to the stepper motor) or the printer resets and dumps the print job.

It is worst when the printer is in the relative cold of the log cabin in the garden (10C or so), but even in the warmth of the house, it still happens.

Anyone else ever come across this?

I am thinking about installing Sailfish firmware, but if this is a hardware fault - maybe power supply or a dodgy stepper motor, I'll investigate this first. As the fault only happens on the first layer, I doubt this is the case. I can do large and complex prints without issue - other than this annoying fault!

I used S3D to print and have not changed the settings particularly, so I don't think the slicing or print code is to blame.

Many thanks in advance