Our school bought my area a Flashforge Finder and I've had really good luck with it using it straight out of the box until this week. I decided that I was going to print off an Open RC F1 car from a user on thingiverse as an item to have on display to show off along other projects that we do in our machine shop to promote the class in a couple months when students are signing up for classes for next year. The problem is, I stated printing the axle and about 5 minutes into the print, the ends started curling up. Today, I tried printing another part and the first issue I had was the material not sticking to the bed, and then I tried hairspray and it looked great for about 10 minutes and then started lifting off at the corners and curling upward.

On other sites, people have recommended things but are evidently unfamiliar with the machine because they are suggesting using ABS or a heated plate neither of which are an option for this machine. Things I have tried:

  • hairspray- helped to an extent but a few minutes in the items start curling up
  • blue tape- I tried blue tape once, but I couldn't print onto it because the machine wouldn't let me level it and constantly told me it was too close to the print head on one corner even with the thumbscrew cranked as tight as I could get it but leveled correctly as soon as I took the tape off

Other suggestions were brims, but I only see rafts and supports in the Flashforge program. All the common photo hosting sites are marked as "adult" through our network filtering so the best I could do is link them.

