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  1. #1
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    3D Printed Phones & Extraterrestrial Objects

    If you haven't seen Eddie Krassenstein's article on 3D Systems CEO Avid Reichental's predictions on the future of 3D printing at the Inside 3D Printing Conference & Expo, you should check it out. Reichental estimated that 3D printers capable of printing larger items with multiple materials would be used in homes in the next two to three years. I'm a bit of a skeptic on this prediction, because I'm not sure the price will be low enough. To mass produce printers at low costs, there needs to be huge demand, and I'm not sure that enough people will have the necessary knowledge to use the printer or the foresight to see the benefits of 3D printing to create that demand (the key word being "enough"). I hope I'm wrong!

    I found another interesting item inspired by Reichental's comments, this one by Lucas Mearian at Computerworld. It discusses several interesting new 3D printing projects, from smartphones that will be built, customized, and upgraded using Lego-like 3D printed parts, to NASA's planned use of 3D scanners on space probes, which will enable the creation of 3D printed models of objects located on distant planets.

    While I don't think we'll be using our Afinia printers to print models of space rocks any time soon, it sure is interesting!

  2. #2
    Super Moderator RobH2's Avatar
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    Really intreresting article. I think the first thing we are going to begin seeing is food 3d printers in local bakeries around town. It's a niche market and they are always trying to outdo each other. I bet we get some really cool edibles soon. Remember how cool it was to get your daughter a cake with Justin Bieber on it? It's going to make that look like 8-track cassette tapes. And I can't wait to see what NASA does with their printer in zero gravity. Can you imagine the overhangs and bridges you could print with no gravity? Wow... The first person who can invent a terrestrial earth based heated enclosure for RepRap printers that is also an anti-gravity chamber will become a bizillionaire. Well, they'll not be a bizillionaire because of the 3d printer aspect, because if you invent anti-gravity, you'll just be straight-up famous and rich. Don't hold your breath for that one but it's fun to think about.
    Bambu P1S/AMS

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